...of Behavioral Feeding Interventions (the paper... Tereshko, et al., 2021). Pediatric Feeding Disorder: A Nationwide Prevalence Study (Kovacic, et al., 2020). Pediatric Feeding Disorder: Consensus Definition and Conceptual Framework (Goday,...
...conversation, I'd like to start by noticing that I often see the quote by Skinner, "When you run into something interesting, drop everything else and study it," posted on social...
...of Celia Heyman. She asked Greg to join the members of the ABA Study Group and the Behavioral Observations Patreon members for a special Q and A session, and lucky...
...Session 16 (ethics) and Session 42. Friman, Hayes, and Wilson (1998). Why Behavior Analysts Should Study Emotion: The example of Anxiety. Hayes and Smith (2005). Get Out of Your Mind...