Dr. Kendra Newsome joins me in Session 108. Our original plan was to discuss how FitLearning is incorporating ACT and other mindfulness based activities with their learners. And talk about that we did. However, we went down quite a few interesting and unexpected rabbit holes along the way. The...
Dr. Nic Weatherly of the Florida Institute of Technology joins me in Session 61 to explore a few areas of Organizational Behavior Management, namely coaching staff members in public school settings, whether Board Certification is necessary for OBM practitioners, as well as the ethical considerations of OBM practices. In...
Longish-time listeners will recall that we spent some time talking about Clinical Behavior Analysis' approach to embedding parent training in their ABA services. In Session 36, we spent some time with Brandon Franklin discussing CBA's RAPID Skills Training (RST) protocol in great detail. So in Sesison 57, we return...
We met Nick Green back in Session 38, and he was gracious enough to join me for a full length interview in Session 47. In this episode, we go a little deeper into his back story, talk about the cool work that his company, BehaviorFit, is doing, and take...
Topics Covered: OBM... check; Supervision...check; Medical necessity... check; Mens' fashion... What?!?! OK, let me explain. Tim Courtney of Little Star ABA joins me to cover what can only be considered a wide range of topics in Session 46 of The Behavioral Observations Podcast. Tim talks about how he learned about...
In session 35, I get a chance to chat with some fellow residents of the Granite State, the husband and wife duo Kim and Tim Heald. In this episode, we discuss the nitty gritty associated with starting an ABA Clinic. Having a clinic is an alluring idea. The obvious...
Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube It’s not everyday that one gets a chance to chat with someone with decades of experience in Behavior Analysis. It is equally rare to do so with someone who helped pioneer the field of Organizational Behavior Management. That’s why I’m so...
In Session 28 of The Behavioral Observations Podcast, Molly Ola Pinney joins me to talk about The Global Autism Project, an organization she started in 2003. In brief, The Global Autism Project trains teachers to work with children with Autism globally. The organization began this initiative in Africa, but...
Dr. Linda LeBlanc joins me today to provide a primer of sorts on behavioral approaches to supporting the elderly, using solid behavioral principles to run organizations, and embedding ethics into everyday clinical decision making. She ends the show by sharing some great advice for BCBAs who are new to...
In Session 18, Manny Rodriguez, Shannon Biagi, and Dan Sundberg join me to discuss their OBM Applied! book series. In this episode we cover the following topics: Why they wrote OBM Applied! Who the intended reader is What sort of outcome a reader can expect The Florida Institute of...