Tech Trends in Applied Behavior Analysis: Session 83

Session 83 is a roundtable discussion with Andy Chavez from BehaviorMe, Jane Logvinova from ABA Desk, and Adam Dreyfus from AnswersNow.

We dive into emerging trends in the application of technology in the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis, particularly in the areas of staff training, data collection, and parental support.

Specifically, we discuss the market signals that led these entrepreneurs to create their products, how their ideas have been shaped over time, how they have (or haven't) secured external funding, and how they are marketing their offerings.

Throughout our discussion, my guests mentioned several resources and websites, and I have done my best to capture them here:

To schedule a demo, or if you just want to learn more about these amazing businesses, check out the following:

And now, for some shameless self-promotion: