I'm still not quite ready to publish interviews to iTunes yet, but I wanted to write a quick post to let you know that things are definitely moving in the right direction. If you've been to this website before, you'll notice that we've updated the look a little bit....
Well, it's been a while since my last post, and I'm tempted to make several references to Dick Malott's work in the area of procrastination. However, in an effort to stay on task, I want to let you know that I have made some decisions about the nature and...
I highly recommend that you check out Greg Hanley's new website, www.practicalfunctionalassessment.com. If you're not familiar with him, he is a professor at Western New England University, and has written a lot about the functional assessment process over the years. I've been an admirer of his work for a...
As they say, the truth hurts. After reading this article, I noticed that I have some of these phrases in my verbal repertoire. I don't ever say, "drill down," but I recall using the term, "Bandwith," the other day in a meeting.... Here is a list of the 25...
What type of chaining procedure was used to produce this? I thought about this question for a few minutes but stopped when I got a...
In an earnest yet vain effort to improve my writing skills, I started reading a book about punctuation called,”Eats, Shoots & Leaves,” by Lynne Truss. Ms. Truss is a self-described punctuation stickler, and within the first few pages, she describes some of her grammatical pet-peeves. On page 5, she...
At Mass ABA last week, I had the pleasure of attending not one, but two talks by Dr. Mark Dixon, of Southern Illinois University. Before going any further, if you take nothing else from this post, I encourage you to attend one of his talks if you have the...
I attended the 5th annual Massachusetts Association for Applied Behavior Analysis conference yesterday. I’ll get right to the point and tell you that I thought it was great (except for the Friday night traffic on the way home). I’ll have more posts that are specific to some of the...
I'll be returning to my home state this Friday to attend Mass ABA. This will be my first time at this conference and I'm pretty excited to go. The keynotes look great, and I've chosen some interesting breakout talks to attend (Delay Discounting and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, oh...
There are a few answers to this question. My primary job is providing behavioral consultation in public school settings, which usually involves conducting Functional Behavioral Assessments and developing associated Behavior Support Programs. When I am working in schools, I am almost always the only Behavior Analyst, or even the...