Session 16: The Ethics of Self-Care with Pat Friman

1 BACB ACE Credit that Counts Towards the BACB Ethics Requirement

In order to prepare for a panel discussion on practitioner self care, some colleagues and I conducted an admittedly unscientific survey of BCBA’s in the northern New England area. We learned that almost 50% of respondents indicated that their jobs had adversely affected their personal lives, and almost 1/3 reported persistent feelings of anxiety or depression. It was truly eye opening.

As such, we as practitioners have an obligation to better understand the private and public events that can potentially cause us to run afoul of this aspect of our compliance code.

Code elements addressed: 1.03 Accountability & 1.10 Awareness of Personal Biases and Challenges

In Session 16 of The Behavioral Observations Podcast, I interview Dr. Pat Friman, who is the Vice President of Behavioral Health Services at BoysTown in Omaha, Nebraska. In this episode we discuss behavior analytic interpretations of common mental health challenges, including anxiety and depression. Pat helps us differentiate circumstances when it is normal, and even healthy, to experience these private events, and when it is appropriate to seek treatment. We also discuss practitioner stress and burnout. As only he can do, Pat provides great advice with an entertaining and easily understandable delivery.

Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

There is 1 Type 2 Continuing Education credit earned for participating in this event. This counts as an Ethics Continuing Education Credit.

Objectives of this training:

  1. The learner will be able to describe behavioral symptoms of anxiety.
  2. The learner will be able to describe behavioral symptoms of depression.
  3. The learner will be able to identify circumstances when it is both appropriate and healthy to experience anxiety.
  4. The learner will be able to identify one strategy for avoiding or mitigating burnout.


  • Great podcast

    I love to listen to Pat Friman, thanks

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