Session 7: Teaching Functional Communication, Toleration, and Compliance

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So you’ve determined the function of a target behavior using the Interview Informed Synthesized Contingency Analysis (IISCA) method. That’s a fantastic start!

This C.E. event involves taking that information and crafting an intervention that teaches three broad repertoires:

  1. Functional communication,
  2. Toleration of denied requests, &
  3. Compliance with instructions.

There is 1 Type 2 Continuing Education credit earned for participating in this event.

Objectives of this training:

After listening to Session 7 of The Behavioral Observations Podcast,

  1. The learner will be able to state the rationale for teaching functional communication, toleration, and compliance skills.
  2. The learner will be able to design an instructional session to teach these skills.

When you've listened to the podcast, please take the quiz (see below). Once you answer all questions correctly, you'll be able to download a certificate of attendance.


  • Teaching Functional Communication


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