Session 83 is a roundtable discussion with Andy Chavez from BehaviorMe, Jane Logvinova from ABA Desk, and Adam Dreyfus from AnswersNow. We dive into emerging trends in the application of technology in the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis, particularly in the areas of staff training, data collection, and parental...
In Session 82, I chat with Beth McKee, wearer of innumerable hats! According to her LinkedIn profile, she holds the following positions: Director of Rehabilitation Services at Guangxiu International Children's Center CEO of ABA Consulting International Brand Ambassador for BehaviorMe In this episode, we discuss how Beth got her...
I am really excited to present this follow up conversation with one of our most popular guests, Dr. Pat McGreevy. In this episode, we start out by talking about teaching more than one student at a time, and then we move on to some of his tips and tricks...
My original plan was to chat with Drs. David Palmer and Josh Pritchard about the distinctions between the Verbal Behavior, or traditional Skinnerian approach to language and cognition, and Relational Frame Theory. Well, what happened was we had a technical glitch that prevented Josh from joining Dave and me,...
In Session 79, I speak with Dr. Merrill Winston about the topic of mass shootings. During our chat, Merrill mentioned that mass shooting events will continue to happen. Sadly, his words were prescient, because a few days after we recorded our conversation, the horrific events in New Zealand took...
Dr. Barry McCurdy is the Director of the Devereux's Center for Effective Schools. In this episode, we talk about his work in supporting students with significant behavioral challenges in urban public school settings. Barry's primary research interest in the treatment of disruptive behavior disorders has led to several prevention/early...
Pat Friman was gracious enough to spend a large chunk of a Saturday chatting with The Behavioral Observations Membership Group. If you're not familiar with the group, it is a membership program (think a DIY Patreon) in which about every two months, I bring a former podcast guest on...
Dr. Evelyn Gould joins me in Session 76 to chat about a variety of things, including her work in parent training and supporting adolescents with mental health challenges as a Clinical Behavior Analyst. We also talk about her early training in Behavior Analysis, both here in the United States,...
The last time we checked in with Dr. Matt Brodhead, he was putting the final touches on his book, Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Well, he's been out on the speaking circuit now that the book has been out for some time, so I thought...
When things are going as they should, I usually have two to four interviews recorded and ready to go at any given time. However, for several reasons I got behind the 8-ball as the saying goes. And when a recent interview was cancelled I was left without a third...