It seems as if you can't escape the term "mindfulness" these days... and if you're like me, you hear people using that term interchangeably with meditation. Well in Session 53 of The Behavioral Observations Podcast, I chat with Gia Biscontini from W3RKWELL, and she enlightens me about not only...
In Session 52, Dr. Matt Brodhead joins me to discuss ethics in behavior analysis. Matt is uniquely suited for this conversation because he, along with co-authors David Cox and Shawn Quigley, is the author of the upcoming book, Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this...
One of the best things about having a podcast like this is to learn from people who know a lot about things that I don't. Today's episode is no exception. Ashley Rose joins me today to discuss best practices for teaching social skills. Here is a snippet from her...
When I first had Mark Dixon on the podcast, way back in Session 14, we poked some fun at the notion that principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, on the surface, didn't meet many of the 7 dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis. Well, in Session 50, I'm joined by...
In Session 25, Dr. Jim Carr, CEO of The Behavior Analysis Certification Board, came on the podcast and gave us an overview of what could be considered "the state of the practice." That was roughly one year ago, and Jim was gracious enough to return, and in this episode,...
Dan Law of the Liberty Company Insurance Brokers stops by the podcast today to discuss all things risk management. To be completely honest, I didn't anticipate that this would be an interesting topic to talk about. However, as we dug into the complexities of what goes into preventing claims,...
We met Nick Green back in Session 38, and he was gracious enough to join me for a full length interview in Session 47. In this episode, we go a little deeper into his back story, talk about the cool work that his company, BehaviorFit, is doing, and take...
Topics Covered: OBM... check; Supervision...check; Medical necessity... check; Mens' fashion... What?!?! OK, let me explain. Tim Courtney of Little Star ABA joins me to cover what can only be considered a wide range of topics in Session 46 of The Behavioral Observations Podcast. Tim talks about how he learned about...
Dr. Wayne Fisher has spent decades researching the assessment and treatment of severe behavior problems. In Session 45 of The Behavioral Observations Podcast, he joins me to discuss current Functional Analysis and Function-Based Treatment strategies, his concerns for the field as it experiences rapid expansion, and advice for new...
Kim Berens joins me in Session 44 of The Behavioral Observations Podcast in what I originally thought was going to be a discussion about the company she co-founded, Fit Learning. While we spoke about Fit Learning a-plenty, Kim also provided tons of historical anecdotes on the development of our...